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Awake used to be Spring Break loose leaf

Awake used to be Spring Break loose leaf

I love blending tea!

I made an herbal mixture with gunpowder green tea as a base. There are many benefits to drinking gunpowder green, including preventing chronic disease, soothing arthritis, stimulating the metabolism, aiding in weight loss, preventing tooth decay, protecting the heart, lowering blood sugar and improving the appearance of the skin!

Let’s take a look at what’s in the blend...

Nettle: Nourishing, mineral-rich nettle leaves can restore energy, support the liver and kidneys, and decrease seasonal allergies.

Burdock Root: Known as a “blood purifier,” burdock root can stabilize blood sugar and support metabolism and liver and kidney function. Its gently sweet flavor also balances the bitterness of the calendula and saltiness of the nettles.

Calendula: Calendula can help clear lymphatic congestion and aid digestion. The golden petals also bring a sunshine-y element to the tea blend.

Citrus: Citrus peel can support the liver and gives the tea a bright, awakening flavor & scent.

Rose: Rose hips give this tea a mildly tart, fruity flavor. They are also high in vitamin C. Rose petals provide a pretty color and floral essence.

I love tea and the benefits it provides, but I’m not someone who can drink something just because it’s healthy. If I’m drinking it, it has to taste good and this delivers!

If you’re curious about the research associated with some of these ingredients, check out the University of Maryland Medical Center’s guides to stinging nettle, burdock, and calendula.

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